Please include the following information about the class or classes that are forming the basis for the nomination of this student: Course title, Course number, Faculty instructor/supervisor, Enrollment, Description of teaching responsibilities (including the type of role, i.e., recitation, lab, lecture, studio and the number of hours the nominee met with students).
Please provide a 3-5 sentence (maximum) evaluation of the student’s teaching performance by a faculty member who observed a portion of two of more teaching sessions conducted by the student. The nomination should attest to the student’s distinctive teaching and describe its outcomes or impacts.
Please provide a 3-5 sentence (maximum) evaluation of the student’s teaching performance by a faculty member who observed a portion of two of more teaching sessions conducted by the student. The nomination should attest to the student’s distinctive teaching and describe its outcomes or impacts.
Please write the names of faculty members who endorse this nomination. This list should include at least the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS), Course Instructor, Student's Research Advisor, and one or two nominators (which might be the same as one of the aforementioned endorsers).