Graduate Life

Graduate Life

The Office of Graduate Studies recognizes that each of our graduate students brings a diverse and varied background to our community. For that reason, we work to ensure that your graduate experience is both personally and academically rewarding by developing events, resources, and services to support you.

In addition to supporting your academic needs, the Office of Graduate Studies and Washington University offer a range of services to help students transition to life in St. Louis. From housing to childcare, resources are available to help graduate students thrive.


A&S GradWell

The ArtSci GradWell initiative looks to encompass a truly holistic approach to supporting graduate student well-being in Arts & Sciences. Programming and support ranges from monthly social and community-building gatherings to financial literacy and career and professional development, to mindfulness-based stress reduction work, and more.


The Graduate Center

The Graduate Center is the social and intellectual hub of graduate life at Washington University in St. Louis, a dedicated space for all graduate and professional students to meet, connect, and engage. Visit the center to learn about their events and programs for graduate students, leadership opportunities, and more. 


International Student Support Hub

International students need specific and nuanced resources to support a smooth experience while pursuing graduate study in the U.S. The Office of Graduate studies has designed a hub for international student support, bringing together resources from all across WashU.

Go to Hub

Get Involved!

Check out the A&S Graduate Organizations & Campus Groups webpage to get involved on campus! Graduate and professional students from all schools are welcome to join the university-wide graduate student groups listed below, which offer social, intellectual, and cultural programs.


Peer Mentoring

The Peer Mentoring program was created to decrease inappropriate early attrition and promote academic success in PhD programs.


Professional Development

The Office of Graduate Studies is passionate and dedicated about fostering a culture that supports diverse career pathways for all of our graduate students in Arts & Sciences. This includes tracking and publishing career outcomes, developing faculty, and providing an array of resources to our graduate students.


LGBTQIA+ Resources

Washington University in Saint Louis offers a host of involvement opportu­nities and campus resources targeted to the needs of LGBT students, faculty and staff. As one of a few institutions in North America to receive a per­fect 5 out of 5 stars from the Campus Climate Equality Index, Washington University offers comprehensive domestic partnership benefits to employees, gender variant inclusive health services, and a non-discrimination policy that recognizes both sexual orientation and gender identity.

Learn More Here

Information for New Students

Learn more about steps to take after you accept your offer.


Mentoring Your Way

Mentoring is a critical component of graduate education. Developing a network of mentors, whether faculty, staff, peers, or industry professionals, is crucial to a graduate student’s life, well-being, and overall success.

Faculty advisors in particular play a central role in the graduate experience, from research advisors to other faculty in a student’s program to faculty outside a home department that provide guidance, coaching, or a sounding board.

More Information

Community Voices

Hear from our faculty and graduate students about the importance of developing a diverse network of mentors to support student life, well-being, and overall success.

A&S Graduate Student Association (GSA)

The A&S GSA will be a student-led organization that represents all graduate students in A&S, coordinating activities and programming for those students.

Learn more