How faculty can support diverse careers for PhDs
Maintain the same level of commitment to all of your advisees, regardless of their expressed career interests.
Ask your advisees about their career goals early, and encourage them to set milestones to achieve their goals.
Encourage your advisees to talk to other mentors and career advisors on campus about their career interests and goals.
What graduate students can do
Explore the extensive resources for career development featured on this page.
Have conversations with career advisors and alumni in diverse career fields.
Create one to three-year plans with tangible milestones for achieving career goals, even if these goals only include tenure-track jobs. Imagine PhD has a “My Plan” tool that allows students in the humanities and social sciences to map degree completion and career/skill development goals together. For non-academic careers, these goals might include career exploration, conducting informational interviews, or learning new skills like coding or grant writing.
Talk to mentors, your advisors, and your colleagues about diverse careers for PhDs
Talk about what you value in your professional life. Consider completing Imagine PhD’s "Values Assessment", so that you can understand what is most important to you both professionally and academically