A&S Graduate Organizations & Campus Groups

Graduate and professional students from all schools are welcome to join the university-wide graduate student groups listed below, which offer social, intellectual, and cultural programs.

Academic Student Groups


ProSPER: WU Students Promoting Science Policy, Education and Research

WashU Graduate Students Promoting Science Policy, Education and Research (ProSPER) facilitates student exploration of the relations between science and policy.


Affinity Groups


Africa United Graduate Association

Africa United Graduate Association strives to create a community and sense of beloging for African graduate students in Washington University in St. Louis.


Black Graduate Student Association

The Black Graduate Student Association seeks to build community amongst incoming, continuing, and past graduate and professional students of African descent across the African diaspora.


Chinese Students and Scholars Association

CSSA is an independent, non-political, non-profit organization of the Chinese Students and Scholars (CSS), by the CSS, and for the CSS. Our goals are to assist Chinese students and scholars at Washington University and share the Chinese culture with the entire university.


Graduate Christian Fellowship

WashU GCF exists to be a place where graduate and professional students at Washington University can encounter, know and enjoy Jesus Christ.


Korean Graduate Student Association

KGSA aims at painting a friendly social atmosphere and solidarity within the community of Korean graduate students at WashU and promotes assisting students and faculty members at WashU to have broader and more insightful understanding of Korea and its culture.


Latin Graduate Student Alliance

The Latin Graduate Student Alliance (LGSA) is a student group that addresses the social, educational, and professional needs of Latin graduate students and those interested in Latina/o and Latin American issues at WashU.


LGBTQIA Campus Life

Through social programming, student group advising, leadership develop­ment, and campus trainings, the coordinator supports the vibrant LGBT com­munity on campus. 314-935-9255, Danforth University Center, 1st Floor.


OUTgrads [University-wide]

OutGrads is the all-university LGBT graduate and professional student orga­nization. Our mission is to foster a welcoming educational and social envi­ronment for LGBTQIA students and allies at our university.


Taiwanese Graduate Student Association

The mission of TGSA is to promote the culture of Taiwan and to encourage the interaction, cooperation, and goodwill in and among all organizations of Washington University.


Umang: The Indian Graduate Student Association

The purpose of Umang is to provide a forum for closer interaction among graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and others of Indian origin at Washington University.


Student Governance Organizations


A&S Grad Student Association (GSA)

The A&S GSA will be a student-led organization that represents all graduate students in A&S, coordinating activities and programming for those students.


Graduate Professional Council

The GPC is the university-wide governing body for all graduate and professional students at WashU. GPC includes representatives from Arts & Sciences, the Brown School, McKelvey School of Engineering, Olin Business School, Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, the School of Law, and the School of Medicine.


Graduate Student Senate

The GSS’s mission is to represent and advocate for the interests of PhD students. GSS includes representatives from PhD programs across WashU's schools, including Arts & Sciences, McKelvey School of Engineering, Olin Business School, and the School of Medicine.


Graduate & Professional Student Council (GPSC)

GPSC is the unified student government for all graduate and professional students at WashU, formed by merging the Graduate Professional Council and the Graduate Student Senate. They play a crucial role by organizing signature events and advocating at WashU administrative meetings on various issues include housing, stipends & student funding, as well as access to academic support and resources.


Social Student Groups


WashU Graduate Nature Trippers

WashU Graduate Nature Trippers os a group for outdoor enthusiasts at the graduate and professional schools at WashU.



For more information and organizations, visit Washington University's WUGO page, select the “Organizations” tab, and choose “Graduate” from the “Categories” drop-down menu.

Check out DBBS Groups

Some Graduate schools have school-based student governance organizations as well as school-based organizations. Please visit Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences site for more information.

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