Hooding & Recognition Ceremony Response Form

The Arts & Sciences Hooding and Recognition Ceremony will be held Friday, May 09, 2025 at Graham Chapel. The Hooding & Recognition Ceremony recognizes the accomplishments of those who have completed a PhD or Master's degree in departments and programs in Arts & Sciences. Students who have an expected graduation date on or before August 2025 are invited to participate. Please complete this form no later Friday, April 11, 2025 to confirm your participation. 

Please note that the Roy and Diana Vagelos Division of Biology and Biomedical Science (DBBS) will have a separate Hooding and Recognition ceremony on Friday, May 09 at 9:30 a.m. at the 560 Music Center. All graduating DBBS students should attend the DBBS Hooding ceremony, graduate students from all other A&S departments and programs should register and attend the hooding ceremony in Graham Chapel. 

Student Information
as you would like it read at the ceremony.
How many guests you expect to attend the ceremony with you?
Due to space limitations in Graham Chapel, we are asking each graduate student to limit the amount of in-person guests at the ceremony to four (4) per graduate. We will livestream the ceremony to another location on campus, so if you have a large group of people planning to attend the ceremony we ask that you plan to have guests over the four person limit plan to watch from the livestream location. All guests are welcome to attend the reception following the ceremony. Please acknowledge that you understand the guest limit and will convey it to your guests.
We invite degree recipients with children to walk with their children at the Office of Graduate Studies Hooding & Recognition Ceremony.
A designated photographer is hired for Hooding & Recognition Ceremony to take high quality, non-obstructed photos of you as you walk across the stage. After the ceremony, they will email you photo proofs from the day. If you would like to receive information about these photos please indicate your interest below.
Photo Proof Contact Information
Mailing Address
Please provide the address you wish to have your photo proofs and order form from Hooding & Recognition Ceremony sent.
In addition to the Office of Graduate Studies Hooding and Recognition Ceremony, Washington University celebrates all graduating students at Commencement held on Monday, May 12. Please let us know if you plan to participate in Commencement.
Non Arts & Sciences Degree Recipient
The Office of Graduate Studies Hooding & Recognition Ceremony recognizes the accomplishments of those who have completed a Graduate Degree in Arts & Sciences. Please visit the commencement website for more information on all other ceremonies.Visit WashU Commencement Page
Faculty Hooder Information
NOTE: You are only allowed ONE Faculty Hooder. It is your responsibility to confirm the participation of your ONE Faculty Hooder in the ceremony. It is best to do this before you fill out this form, as an email is sent automatically to your Hooder acknowledging their participation in the Hooding Ceremony. If you have not selected a Faculty Hooder, one will be assigned to you.
Please input their WashU email address.